Robochyi narod

Image - Robochyi narod (1911).

Robochyi narod (Robuchyi narod, Robotchyi narod; Working People). A newspaper established in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in May 1909 by Ukrainians active in the Socialist Party of Canada. The successor to Chervonyi prapor (Winnipeg), it appeared monthly (1909–10), biweekly (1910–11), three times a month (1911), weekly (1911–15), and again monthly (1915–18). From September 1910 the newspaper was the official organ of the Federation of Ukrainian Social Democrats in Canada. Steadily adopting more radical positions, it published the first Ukrainian translation of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s Communist Manifesto to appear in Canada (1915) and several articles by Vladimir Lenin, advocated Canada’s withdrawal from the First World War, and by 1918 was decidedly pro-Bolshevik. In 1917 it had approximately 3,000 subscribers. Its editors were Myroslaw Stechishin (1909–12), Ivan Navizivsky (1912–13), Yevhen Hutsailo (who came from Bukovyna to edit the paper in 1913–14), I. Stefanitsky (1914), Pavlo Krat (1914–15), Danylo Lobai (1915–16), and Matthew Popovich (1916–18). Robochyi narod was banned and closed down by the Canadian government in late September 1918. It was succeeded in 1919 by Ukraïns’ki robitnychi visty.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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