
Image - Regensburg: Ukrainian DP Camp Post postmark. Image - A Ukrainian shoemakers workshop in a displaced persons camp in Germany. Image - Slovo (Regensburg) (1945)

Regensburg. A city (2019 est pop 153,094) in Bavaria, Germany, and the site in 1945–9 of the largest Ukrainian displaced persons camp in Germany. At its peak (1947) the workers’ district of Ganghofersiedlung housed almost 5,000 Ukrainian and 1,000 non-Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons. With a population from all regions of Ukraine and of all occupations, the camp formed a microcosm of Ukrainian society. Its governing bodies were elected by the residents. The administration was headed first by V. Zaiats and then by Ahenor Artymovych (1946), Yakiv Serbyn (1946–8), and P. Balei (1948–). A wide range of institutions and organizations was set up: a Ukrainian Catholic parish headed by Rev O. Sharanevych and later by Ye. Haidukevych; a Ukrainian Orthodox parish under Rev V. Shevchuk; a school system, consisting of a kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools, vocational courses in home economics, radio mechanics, driving, and photography, and the Ukrainian Technical and Husbandry Institute; the Plast Ukrainian Youth Association, the SUM Ukrainian Youth Association and the Sich society sports club; cultural and social organizations, such as a church choir conducted by I. Kurylenko, a drama group and orchestra led by I. Povaliachek, a music school, and the Ensemble of Ukrainian Actors directed by Volodymyr Blavatsky (1947–9); a medical and social service; camp-run tailor, barber, toy, leather-ware, jewelry, and ceramics workshops; the Ukrainske Mystetstvo co-operative; some private enterprises; and political blocs, which competed in camp elections. Several periodicals were published there: the weekly Slovo (Regensburg) (1945–6), edited by Spyrydon Dovhal; Ukraïns’ke slovo (1946–7), edited by Yuliian Tarnovych; Visnyk oseli (1947–?), edited by I. Durbak; and Weekly Information Bulletin (1946). A number of private and co-operative publishers published literary and scientific works and practical manuals.

Kushnir, O. (ed). Regensburg: Statti-spohady-dokumenty (New York 1985)

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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