Makukh, Ivan

Makukh, Ivan [Макух, Іван; Makux], b 17 September 1872 in Dorozhiv, Sambir county, Galicia, d 18 September 1946 in Salzburg, Austria. Lawyer, civic and political leader, and co-operative organizer. Upon graduating from Lviv University (PH D, 1901) he was active in the Ukrainian Radical party and edited its paper Hromads’kyi holos. In 1907 he opened a law office in Tovmach and became active in the educational and political life of the county: he organized Prosvita reading rooms, Sich societies, and the Selianska Kasa credit union. As deputy to the Galician Diet (1908–18) he demanded reform of the electoral system, which was biased against the Ukrainian population. During the First World War he was a member of the General Ukrainian Council and the Ukrainian National Rada. He served as secretary of public works in the First State Secretariat (1918) and secretary of internal affairs in the Second State Secretariat of the Western Ukrainian National Republic (1919). After the government's evacuation beyond the Zbruch River he became deputy minister of internal affairs of the Ukrainian National Republic (1920). Upon returning to Tovmach at the end of 1920, he resumed his law practice and political activity. He headed the Ukrainian Socialist Radical party (1930–9) and was twice elected to the Polish Senate (1928 and 1930). In 1944 he emigrated to Austria, where he wrote his memoirs, which were published posthumously as Na narodnii sluzhbi (In the People's Service, 1958).

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 3 (1993).]

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