Khoma, Ivan

Khoma, Ivan [Хома, Іван; Xoma], b 27 November 1923 in Khyriv, Dobromyl county, Galicia, d 3 February 2006 in Rome. Clergyman and (from 1977) honorary archimandrite and bishop. Khoma studied theology at the Peremyshl Greek Catholic Theological Seminary and at the Pontifical ‘Urbaniana’ University in Rome (1946–51). He served as the secretary to Archbishop Ivan Buchko (1951–62), chancellor to Cardinal Yosyf Slipy (1963–84), professor at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Rome) (from 1963), and its rector after 975. Coeditor of the journal Bohosloviia, he was the author of many articles on the history of the Ukrainian church. He was one of the coeditors of the collected works of Cardinal Slipy (8 volumes, 1968–76).

[This article was updated in 2017.]

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