Kharkiv Conservatory

Kharkiv Conservatory (Харківська консерваторія; Kharkivska konservatoriia). A higher school of music in Kharkiv that existed until 1963 under the Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR. It was formed in 1917 out of the Kharkiv Music School (est 1883). In 1924 the conservatory was reorganized into the Kharkiv Music and Drama Institute and was reconstituted 10 years later out of the institute's music faculty.

The conservatory consisted of eight faculties: piano, orchestra, folk musical instruments, singing, choir conducting, musicology, composition, and music research. Evening and correspondence courses were offered. Its faculty included Semen Bohatyrov, who raised a whole generation of composers such as Dmytro Klebanov, Mykola Koliada, Yulii Meitus, Volodymyr Nakhabin, Mykhailo Tits, Mykola Fomenko, and Andrii Shtoharenko. In 1963 the conservatory was turned into the music faculty of the new Kharkiv Institute of Arts.

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 2 (1988).]

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