a { text-decoration: none !important; text-align: right; } Ostrih, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine, Інтернетова Енциклопедія України (ІЕУ), Ukraine, Ukraina, Україна"> Ostrih


Image - Ostroh (old city) (reconstruction).
Image - The Ostrih castle: view of the Lutsk tower.

Ostrih. See Ostroh.

Image - Ostrih: monument of the famous people of Ostrih. Image - The Ostrih Academy National University (main buildings). Image - The Ostrih Academy National University. Image - The Lutsk Tower of the Ostrih castle (14th-16th century). Image - The Round Tower of the Ostrih castle (14th-16th century). Image - Ostrih: Church of the Epiphany (1453-1521). Image - Ostrih: Bell tower of the Church of the Epiphany (1453-1521). Image - The Ostrozky family coat of arms on the wall of the Ostrih castle. Image - Ostrih: the monument commemorating 400 anniversary of Ostrih Academy. Image - An Orthodox chapel near the Trinity Roman Catholic Church in Ostrih. Image - Trinity Roman Catholic Church in Ostrih (17th-19th century). Image - Ostrih castle (aerial view).

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